So here they are!
By the way, my husband asked me about the glitter this morning. He said "I don't get how you got glitter all over the kitchen. It is behind the fishtank, all over the counters, and it was even in the frying pan this morning, I had to clean it out before I made pancakes." Hehe. He was still smiling when he said this though.
Hmmm...I should sprinkle some in the fishes water. That would look pretty. (Don't worry, I won't risk the poor fishes life. Yes, we only have one fish in our whole tank. Apparently we do a very poor job and keeping fish alive.)
So on to the photos of the glitter flowers! I made them to attach them to some tutu's I was making. My sister in law asked me to make two fancy ones for her 8 year old daughter and her 8 month old daughter. They are for her 8 year old's birthday party. The white ones are simple ones for her daughters guests. So here they are-
{My Award}
Guess what?? I got an award!! (Hearing a quote from "A Christmas Story" playing over and over in my mind...) "A MAJOR AWARD?!?!?". Thank you Amanda from Imperfectly Beautiful!! You are too sweet. She gave me this award and said such kind things about me. She is a lovely lady, funny, beautiful, and has been a treat to get to know. I am delighted with her friendship.

So the name to the game is that I am supposed to list 5 things I am addicted to, and pass it on to 5 other bloggers I am addicted to following.
{My AdDiCtIoNs}
#1) My Family: I adore my husband and children. So much that I want more. Not more Husbands. Dear me no. More children. I love their hugs, their smell, their little bodies in my arms.
#3) STARBUCKS: Give a Grande-Triple-Shot-Decaf-No-Foam-7-Pump-Vanilla-Latte and I am one happy girl. If I am hot then make it a Venti-Decaf-Iced-8-Pump-Vanilla-Latte. When the Christmas season begins I have to have that Eggnog Latte. Top it off with a Blueberry Scone or Blueberry Muffin and I'm set. I LOVE STARBUCKS. You could call me a Coffee Snob. You could. But I know you won't. *Wink* I don't like other coffee joints. I love my Starbucks. And I love that anywhere I go I can order up "My" drink and get what my taste buds are anticipating. When I was in college and homesick, I went to Starbucks. It was like flashing back home because the environment there is so similar. To commemorate this addiction, please note that in the photo featured my daughter is 3 days old. Even better, I will put one on post-labor and delivery. Yes, give me my Starbucks with that Epidural please. Does it come in an IV?
#4) Is a tie between {Fabric}, {Scrapbooking}, and {Christmas}. And I just cheated. I love fabric, I cannot have enough of it, and there are so many patterns out there that I want to own so badly it hurts! Scrapbooking is the same. I have SHELVES full of scrapbooking stuff. I could eat it I love it so much. And Christmas, well, do I even have to describe that?
#5) BlOgGiNg: I get lost in all your blogs. Unknowingly, I end up spending hours reading and absorbing all your beautiful ideas, funny posts, thoughtful musings, and your beautiful hearts. I love it.
So there you have it. And now, in continuation of "the longest post in the world" my five bloggy buddies I would like to award this to-
#1) Violet over at Create Beauty. I just might be partial to her, because I may perhaps be related to her. She is a true Artist, and talent flows from her fingertips. She is funny, kind, and devoted to her Savior. I {Heart} her.
#2) Shelbi over at Keeper of the Chocolates. She is a precious person. Her Etsy shop is amazing, I bought a necklace from it for my mom for Christmas. She is kind, and you can feel the love flowing from her!
#3) Carolina Mama- She is a lovely lady. She welcomed me into blogland and tweetdom, and hosted my first giveaway. I am so thankful for someone who so kindly introduced me into blogland!
#4) Grey Like Snuffie - She posts beautifully poetic spiritual insights and encouragements. I love reading he blog, it uplifts me and re-focuses me on my walk with Jesus. She is also a lovely, kind lady!
#5) Marci over at All Things Wonderful. I just 'met' her recently, and she is a delightful person. We have quite a bit in common. I really appreciate her daily life posts, and her kind spirit.
There are so many more ladies I would pass this on to! Go visit these wonderful women and send them some bloggy love.
Thank you to all of you who read my blog, and converse with me through comments and such. You fill me with such encouragement and I love this bloggy relationship! I cannot describe the thrill I get in your comments and compliments. Thank you!
I {Heart} You!
Now ending the longest-post-ever,
{{Edited to say: I'm so annoyed that the formatting got all funky at the end of this post! I tried to change it but it won't let me. Grr.}}
Congrats on the award! I loved your Blog! And can soooo relate to the glitter everywhere - I found some in the refrig yesterday! And the glitter and spray adhesive, been there! Wishing all the Best for 2009!
Now the story is complete...with the pictures. And I'm still laughing---out loud. So many images of glitter all around you.
I have read longer posts, BUT I did have to take notes so I could remember to pass on all the random thoughts you stirred up. (sorry if that scares you young ones about what is to come) :)
1. Those tutu's are amazing.
2. my family laughs at me now because I even want to back up and take pictures that we've zipped past that I think would be fun to post on my blog. I leave the snaps of family to my oldest---I'm not so good at catching those. But that is one good thing about this blogging world; it has made me slow down and really look around my world more.
3. your Starbuck's drink makes me feel some vindication in my daughter's eyes. I used to order a REALLY complicated drink and they teased me so much. You go girl--I'm thankful we don't have one in our little town---it would be too tempting.
4. and aren't you sweet giving me an award---about the only thing I do even close to well is gush about my God---in the 39 years I've been walking with Him I have learned so much and just want others to KNOW who He is, to encourage them that He is alive and moving, that He is LOVE!
So Megan, bless your heart, I pray that you have a GRAND week with our LORD...
Father, You know what Megan's week will hold, You know every second. Help her to focus on You each morning, to soak in Your love and make Your Word come alive to her. I'm so thankful she loves You and that You chose her to recognize her need for You--I pray for her husband as well that You will grant him Your wisdom as the head of their home, encourage him in his relationship with You. I thank You that You are planting Your Word in their little ones, that one day they will choose You. Draw her close as she draws close to You, that she would sense Your embrace of Love. In Jesus name, AMEN
The white flowers turned out so was worth all the glitter, right? right? am I right? Hee hee!
I love the girls tu tu!!!!!! And I love you
Hey swap partner! I love your blog, you are so funny about that darn Starbucks!!! :) Very cute...I sent you an email that I was given, I hope you got it!
Thank you for the AWARD! You are so sweet! I just finished my post about it. I love the TuTus. Adorable!
i love you! a girl after my own heart. thank you for this beautiful award! i do feel like the dad in my fav christmas movie of all time!! hehe! i will be posting this on my blog as soon as i possibly can :) :) you and i need to seriously get some starbux intervention. hehe...
just kidding. NEVER!! rock on eggnog lattes!
A Major Award! Love it... the scene is replaying in my mind "Frageelay...must be Italian!" Oh I hope they can hook a latte right into my IV... that would be heaven!
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