We love to BBQ burgers at our house! My husband things I make the perfect burger, and I always enjoy soaking up his praise about them.
I usually use lettuce for a bun for mine, skipping the bread bun. I'm not cutting carbs, I just generally do it to narrow down calories a little...cause then I can have dessert. ;)
I know most of you probably have a favorite way of making your burgers, but I'll share my Top Secret recipe with you in case you want to try something different.
{Note my oh so precise measurements.}
Ground beef- lowest fat I can get
BBQ sauce
Garlic powder
(you were expecting a more secret ingredient, weren't you?)
Dice onion very small.
Put ground beef in a bowl.
Squirt in a good amount of BBQ sauce, sprinkle in salt, and poof on the garlic powder.
Toss onion on top.
Work it all together really well. (EWWW. I don't enjoy this part at all. I've come a long ways tho. When we first got married I wouldn't TOUCH raw meat with my hands)
Shape into patties, and grill them up on the BBQ!
We topped off the meal with some baked french fries, and since Red Robin is super close to us, I asked my husband to pick up their special seasoning for our fries. Yummy! Although I have to admit, baked fries don't compare to FRIED french fries. Sigh. Oh well. Still good!
So there you have it! Now let me tell you the frustration I had making this post! My pictures wouldn't upload, even though I tried OVER, and OVER, and OVER. Agh!
Now I'll let you in on the going on's in our little house. My son has been sick since LAST Friday. It started with a high fever, and that's about all its been. Well, we took him into the walk in clinic on Tuesday, and the Dr. said it was an ear infection. I was shocked because he didn't say his ears hurt that whole weekend. He has had (I think) 4 ear infections in the past 4 or 5 months, and it's weirding me out! He has never EVER had an ear infection before this all began. He's 4.5, and this is all a new thing.
SO. We've been giving him the antibiotics since Tuesday, and his fever STILL keeps spiking really high when his fever-reducer wears off. If it doesn't stop by this afternoon, we're headed back in to the Dr. In the past we have seen a huge improvement within 24 hours of beginning his antibiotics. This lingering high fever is just weird.
I'll be letting you know how our son is doing when I find out.
How do YOU like to make your burgers???
Those burgers sound amazing! Can't wait to try your recipe. For the past couple of years I've been getting pre-made sirlion patties at Costco...but I used to make my own. After reading your recipe I'm anxious to experiment.
I sure hope your little one gets better soon. It's absolute torture on a Mama's heart to watch her babies be sick.
Soooo...I am NOT jealous of how pretty those burgers are AND I am NOT still staring at the pictures...lol!
I can't wait to try that recipe. I'm going to tell my sister about it. She has to hide barbecue sauce from her husband because he puts it on EVERYTHING...lol! With these burgers, they can BOTH get their way! hehe!
Thanks for posting!
I pray your son feels better soon! God is HUGE!!!!
Okay those burgers look sooo good to me right now. I'm up in the middle of night wishing I could sleep! Plus I'm hungry...Shouldn't have clicked onto your blog :)
As a mom of 5 I've taken the easy road in recent years and buy pre-made burgers. It just saves me time. I sprinkle them with various things that make them more delicious. Some of our favs are...Bolners Fajita seasoning, Tony's(Cajun seasoning), some liquid seasoning which I can't think of the name((SIGH))(it's mommy brain).
Just so you know...my son would LOVE to come eat burgers at your house!
Hope your sweet baby gets to feeling better soon! It's no fun to have a sick little one!
ohhhh you're just all on teasin with that burger shot!!!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. i am still trying to figure things out. i didn't realize i had to go back to the post to read comments, i thought it would let me know if i had any.haha!! i really enjoy reading your blog. Those burgers look absolutely delish, i will definitely have to try your recipe. have a good one.
We bought a 1984 house, complete with a jenn aire downdraft stovetop....it is the best thing about the kitchen...we can make burgers and grill chicken even when it is freezing outside. And they still get those neat little lines on them. Not so much the grilled flavor, though! sigh. We like to slice an onion and stick it to one side...and then cook it! Yours look amazing.
I hate it when the kids are sick...hope he is better soon
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