Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Opportunities to Give

I wanted to share with you all an opportunity to give to Haiti relief in a very personal way. My friends church in Madison, WI began an organization a few years back called "Beautiful Child". They support an orphanage called "Orphanage by Faith".

Please know that I don't post about this to provoke pity or guilt in anyone. I just want to share an opportunity where you can give joyfully if you feel led by the Lord.

The pastor of The Journey Community Church was able to take a team to the orphanage a few weeks ago to assess the damage done by the quake and the immediate and long term needs. The only things that survived were a wall that has a sign for the orphanage, and the one private outhouse. The kids temporary sleeping areas and kitchen aren't even what we would call sleeping areas or kitchens. Honestly (in my opinion), we CAMP better than the way these kids are living daily.

Above is the wall/sign that survived.

This is the KITCHEN they are using, and it is in the girls sleeping area.

This is a picture from downtown Jacmel, the city where the orphanage is located.

Praise the Lord that in the midst of their need and desolation, they are actually becoming a center for the community to gather, cook, ect. The children are cheerful, and the outlook, though a long journey, is hopeful. The needs remain intense, but there is hope and faith in it all.

You can support a child in a way that fits your budget at $32/month, $64/month, or more. To fully sponsor one child would be $128/month. It's ok if you choose the minimum if that's where you are at. Don't let guilt or feeling badly stop you from stepping out if this is lighting a spark in your soul.

You can also consider giving a one time (or more, your choice) gift to the re-building of the orphanage.

I want to let you know that the man who pastors The Journey is a great man, honest, and giving. He was my high school youth pastor here in the Northwest many years ago, and he also married my husband and I.

Please remember what Christ said: whatever we do for the least of these, we do for Him. We are also challenged in Malachi 3:10 to give to the Lord, and see how abundantly he gives in return!

Thank you for letting me share this with you. May the blessing of the Lord be with all of you!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Baby on board!

I'm so happy to be able to share with you why I have been so bloggy-silent for the past weeks. Today, we are 12 weeks pregnant! I'm so thankful that the Lord has answered the cry of my heart for another child, and that this one has grown safely and is strong and healthy.
The past weeks have been filled with fatigue, 24/7 nausea, and more fatigue. It's been difficult to form a string of comprehensive words and thoughts together, so I've resorted to silence. :)
The Lord is faithful and compassionate to all that He has made. May His be the glory and honor forever!

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