Hello Bloggy Friends! I hope each one of you had a special Christmas. Ours was wonderful, in spite of the fact that my Dear Husband BROKE HIS ANKLE the day before Christmas Eve. Oh yes, not only did he break it, he tore all the tendons in it, and dislocated it. The poor man was walking to his work van in the snow, slipped, and SNAP. It's just crazy. This guy doesn't injure easily! He snowboards, he pushes cars out of the snow, he leaps over buildings with a single bound, and yet just walking, this happened. He is pretty sore right now, and doesn't get surgery until Wednesday, which will be a week since his accident.
Now, I promised you a fun tutorial. This stemmed from Wendy over at The Shabby Nest. Her tutorial for her cute little pixies is HERE. I saw her little pixies and it made me want to take some special family photos and give them angel wings!!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Angel Wing Tutorial and a Boken Leg
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
{MeRrY ChRiStMaS}
I will be away for the next couple of days to take time to Celebrate with my family. I am so excited to celebrate LaLa's {FIRST} Christmas!! And Dear Son's Christmas as a 3 year old- it will be so fun to see him really 'get' it this year. My heart is filled with excitement and overflowing with blessings.
I shall return shortly after Christmas with an exciting tutorial that involves glitter!! Stay tuned...
Filled with Anticipation and Thankfulness,
Labels: christmas, Family happenings
Monday, December 22, 2008
Last Minute Christmas Tutorial
I had an idea spark in my mind this morning. I have 100 Million other projects going right now, but I had to stop and do this. I guess I would call them Family Memory Ornaments!
SOOOO, (Drum Roll Please) Welcome to the FIRST Little Bella Bean Tutorial!! (cue applause).
And there you have it! Hang them on your tree, your Nester Garland on your mantel, or from some ribbon strung up in your house...The possibilities are endless!! You could also top your Christmas presents with them. If you make some, post them and let me know!
Getting too creative with so little time left,
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Christmas at Charolette's Web
It looks like Spiders really know how to do Christmas right!! My Dear Son pointed out this spider web to me out the window and I had to go get a closer look. It is absolutely AMAZING. Look at the details of the ice crystals clinging to the silky web. How intricate and elaborate? I am in awe of the beauty that the Ultimate Creator creates. Merry Christmas from Charolette! (Maybe this is her contribution to the Nester's garland party??!!?) Oh, and I saw no sign of the spider there, don't feel sorry for the little guy, I think it's probably sun bathing in Maui right now. ;-)
Enjoying God's little miracles,
Labels: Photos
Thursday, December 18, 2008
I woke up this morning with anticipation in my heart. I had a present to open, and it was waiting for me on my computer- MY NEW BLOG DESIGN!!!
{{Jumping up and down like an Extreme Makeover contestant}}
I opened the laptop...
...I double clicked on the Internet tab...
..........I typed in my blog address..........
I am in love. I love it like I love my Grande Half-Decaf 6 Pump Vanilla No Foam Latte. I love it like I love my pink converse shoes. I love it like I love the Foot of Snow I woke up to this morning. I love it like I love fabulous fabric.
{Commercial announcer voice} This blog makeover was brought to you by Shauna from See My Designs. Shauna has a variety of blog makeover options to choose from. She is oh-so-talented, and a d.e.l.i.g.h.t. to work with. Go see her for some bloggin beauty, and be sure to keep her name in mind for any future happiness you might want to add to your blog.
Now, I mentioned the foot of snow I woke up to-
What a thrill! We don't get events like this very often in the Pacific Northwest. I think I spent 75% of my life as a child praying that it would snow. (And at times we did get some very good snow, I must have had the "snow prayer" figured out. *wink*)
Oh the joy eekeing from my being!
I am off to enjoy the snow. Today will be the day of PRICELESS photos, think of how high the snow will look with my 3 year old and 10 month old in it!
It really IS a Winter Wonderland!
****I also wanted to mentioned that my Etsy Shop is now FULLY stocked. Go visit for some baby goodness!! And the GIVEAWAY listed below is still open, go enter to win!!*******
Labels: Blog makeover, etsy shop, giveaway, snow
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Kimba's Open House Party!! {Come and knock on my door}

Labels: christmas, Open house
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Walking in a Winter Wonderland/Christmas in the Northwest! Part 2
What a wonderful snow day!
Labels: Family happenings